
Monday, June 4, 2012

Ski Teal We Drop - Woven Pattern

Hi there!

This week is gonna be a long one. Here in France, we've had many days off lately, and therefore the working weeks were shorter than usual! But today we're back to reality with a five-day week to go!
Yesterday, it was pouring rain and there was no motivation at all (except for the nail battle of course :D).
So when it was time to go to sleep, I didn't feel like sleeping, as I had already been sleeping all day long...
I took my nail polishes and my nail art brushes, and decided to try something I've been wanting to do for a while! I wanted to try a kind of woven pattern on my nails. It wasn't as easy as it seemed. I tried it on only one nail because I thought it would be too much. So here's the result :

It seems perfect from a good distance, but if you look closer you can see that it's not perfect at all, and that tends to stress me (weirdoooo :D)
The color I used as a base and for all my other nails is OPI's Ski Teal We Drop. The contrast between the white and the teal color may be too strong. Maybe I should try it with another color !

What do you think about it? Would you try it?


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