
Sunday, September 30, 2012

#TheSundayNailBattle - Lady Gaga

Hey there!

Are you ready for some Gaga Nails? Because this week the battle's theme is Lady Gaga. Another great idea from Andreia and Odile !
I remember when I first heard her song Just Dance on the radio. I was like "Whaat? this is going to be another provocative singer, pffff ...". And when Poker Face started airing, I was pffff-ing even more. But then came Paparazzi. And I can't tell what happened when I heard this song, but something changed inside me. I was starting to love her songs. Even the ones I was hating at first.
Then her new album Born This Way came out and it completed my crush for Lady Gaga. I loved this album even more than the previous one. 

Anyway, I noticed that Gaga always wears some kind of stiletto nails, that look like paws! So, I decided that I had to do the same to be in the theme!!

So here we go!

And as I was lucky enough to attend her Born This Way Ball in Paris, here's a picture of her while singing Born This Way to conclude this little post!!

xoxo, little monsters!!

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